19 April


Fingerprint Analysis for Advanced Technology

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Fingerprint Analysis for Advanced Technology

Due to the uniqueness of fingerprints, they are helpful in identifying individuals from which we can locate, recognize and eliminate suspects in criminal cases. The fingerprints are basically the impressions and the pattern consisting of friction ridges found on the skin of the fingers and are considered as one of the most fragile and versatile pieces of evidence. Friction ridges from which the prints obtained deposits of grease and perspiration on the surface or object being touched. The fingerprint also comes under the special category of mark evidence as the marks on the skin which is collectively known as a pattern is regarded as the best means for personal identification. These prints can be formed when the friction ridges come in contact with any foreign material such as dirt, blood, grease or any other plastic material that produces an impression i.e., negative impression of the friction ridge pattern. To possibly identify a criminal via searching through a single fingerprint case or Automated Fingerprint Identification System (AFIS), the value of fingerprints were greatly enhanced. 


April 2023 Online Zoom



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